The Road to Sustainability

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Over time, Australia and many other countries have become complacent in their handling of plastic waste.

Historically, we have been an exporter of poorly sorted, baled waste offshore, with very little focus on recycling domestically.



China’s National Sword policy was a much needed wake up call.

It made us look again at how we approach plastic waste. With export bans coming into play, plastic waste is piling up we must address the issue locally.

Now is the time for us all to push for recycled content into products and packaging where possible. We must promote a make - use - remake model and maximise these finite resources.

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In many cases, technology already exists to facilitate the processing and conversion of plastic waste into valuable raw materials.

As a country, we must change our ways. From government, to industry and consumers alike we must begin advocating for recycled content wherever possible.

At Martogg LCM, we are passionate about the future and are committed to helping brands / businesses be more sustainable in their products / packaging.

We are committed to a circular economy and offering solutions to all market segments both domestically and abroad to ensure a sustainable future.