Closing The Loop

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Educational Trilogy

Educating the community why it’s important to embrace a circular economy in Australia and why together we need to ACT NOW!

In 2017, ABC’s ‘War on Waste’ shone a light on Australia’s waste problem. In 2021, the issue is growing, literally by thousands of tonnes per day.

The difference now is that there is a solution! Designing for plastic packaging recyclability and incorporating recycled content into product packaging is a MUST! It will drastically change our footprint and subsequently, reduce our reliance on finite resources such as oil and gas decreases plastic waste to landfill.

For decades, plastic has changed the way we live our lives for the better. It is durable, lightweight, and cost-effective. Plastic has many important uses, it helps keep our food fresh, helps us travel the world, and saves lives in medical applications. A world without plastic is hard to imagine.

So if plastic is so fantastic, what’s the problem?

Well, over the years we have adopted a linear approach to our consumption of plastics, largely exporting our waste to other countries for recycling. And what is worse, is that was the best outcome - the worst case was plastic in the environment and clogging up landfills because it was seen as worthless. Neighbouring countries are banning the importation of waste, and Australia is introducing export bans of its own starting this year.

Martogg Group, in association with Sally Williams (Sustainable Sally), are proud to release this three-part educational video series to highlight the importance of embracing the circular economy for plastics here in Australia, and why it is so important for brands and consumers to act NOW, and ensure that future generations inherit a world we will be proud of.

We must adopt a circular economy by reusing reuse plastic to minimise our footprint on the environment, but more importantly to recognise the significant value that is being under-realised!


Closing The Loop Pt. 1: Turning Point